Hello, When some members signup and they had problems with their credit card (through paypal) and they try to pay again using another card, logging into their accounts and going to Add/Renew subscription, the product doesn't appear there and they have to create a new account with a new username in order to try to pay again. I checked and the product is set "Visible for all" so I dont know why it is not showing in Add/Renew subscription when the user has no active suscriptions. What should I do? Thanks.
There are only a few things that prevent a product from showing on member page: 1) Visibility set to not display on member page 2) Rule set to disallow viewing based on a criteria 3) A negative price group Given what you have said so far, I'm thinking #3 is the culprit. If that is the case (you have to have a negative price group defined for this product) then in order for users to see it on the member page they can use something like this: http://mydomain.com/amember/member.php?price_group=-1
BINGO!! It is the negative price group. Now my question is: how do I change it to a "positive" price group without messing up my affiliate links, sales page and etc, etc, etc?
Does your affiliate link point to a specific URL that includes the price group? How about your sales pages, etc? If so, there is not an easy fix to resolve this short of updates. 1) How often are you seeing this issue? If it is only a small number you can just give the affected users the URL I posted above. 2) How may negative price group products do you have? You could edit member page to show both positive and negative products.
I just ran into the same problem. How do you edit the member page to show both positive and negative groups?
This is from memory and not tested, but I believe there is something similar to: Code: } elseif ($v['price_group'] < 0){ unset($products_to_renew[$k]); You would need to remove that if block from the member.php file.
I found this snippet: } elseif ($v['price_group'] < 0){ unset($products_to_renew[$k]); I changed "<" to ">". This allowed me to see all the products. However, I could not order any of them.