Does aMember's "incremental content" plugin work with WordPress?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by gaston, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. gaston

    gaston New Member

    Aug 10, 2008
    Hello guys!

    Can aMember's content pages of the "incremental content" plugin be
    managed by WordPress? :confused:

    My goal is to make the content management of aMember' "incremental
    content" fast and simple to handle new content all the time. However I
    can't find a single way for the incremental content to work with

    Has anyone figured this out? Is there documentation or a WordPress
    plugin to fix the issue?

    Here's the explanation of the problem:

    I installed WordPress and aMember with the WordPress and incremental
    content plugins. I can't make incremental content because the
    "incremental content" module requests for a folder, and not a URL. :eek:

    WordPress allows to load posts and pages, and the difference between
    these and any info I load resides in the paremeters and not a folder.

    So... Can aMember's "incremental content" be managed by WordPress?

    If so, I will truly appreciate docs, instructions or guidance.

    Best Regards!:)
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Yep, I've done it and teach how to do it over at my site.
    I give my premium members a wordpress widget I wrote that displays the incremental content in the sidebar.
    I also show how to add a "Module" area to the navigation and show the incremental links there when they become available.

  3. codeispoetry

    codeispoetry aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2009
    Hi Gaston,

    Yes, aMember's Incremental Content can now be managed by Wordpress. I use the "Bridge" to do this.

    I produced it specially to iron out loose articles woes, and let Wordpress become a one-stop CMS solution for aMember + Incremental.

    You can do a test signup at my site to see it in action.

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