iOS Authentication with aMember 4

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by stockguy22, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. stockguy22

    stockguy22 Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Has anyone tried building an iOS application that authenticates against aMember 4? I want to use ASIHTTPRequest ( but I am not sure what I need to do on the server side to be able to pass credentials to aMember to get a response.

    Do I have to build out something server side to handle authentication? For example, can't be hit because of the .htaccess rules. Should I be creating an API that will require /path/to/Am/Lite.php and build my own authentication that will send a response?
  2. stockguy22

    stockguy22 Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    To continue on from my original post, this was sent to support. There is a lack of documentation on how to use Di per the API/Authentication page, so I'm trying to get a clear understanding. When / if support gets back to me, I can try to update here. I think this is a great step because this iOS app will be a selling point for some of our leads.

    -- start support e-mail
    We are building an iOS app to authenticate against our aMember installation. My biggest issue is how to use the Di controller. Per this page:, we see:

    Am_Di::getInstance()->authUser->getUser(); // returns User object or null Am_Di::getInstance()->authUser->getUserId() // returns user_id or null
    How do we use it to return a simple JSON response or string, like a success or failure?

    We are currently building the authentication layer in our iPad application and we are posting amember_user and amember_pass to We see an HTML response with the wrong username and password that simply states that it's wrong (per the 2 requests below). The next two requests are a POST and GET, which looks like after the login is successful we receive a GET and redirected to /member. That was a successful, but we received an HTML response. Again, is there a way to just get a "yes" or "no" response for authenticating?

    IP - - [04/Feb/2012:12:03:42 -0500] "POST /login/index HTTP/1.1" 200 2049 "-" "sg22 1.0 (iPad Simulator; iPhone OS 5.0; en_US)"
    IP - - [04/Feb/2012:12:05:43 -0500] "POST /login/index HTTP/1.1" 200 2051 "-" "sg22 1.0 (iPad Simulator; iPhone OS 5.0; en_US)"
    IP - - [04/Feb/2012:12:07:22 -0500] "POST /login/index HTTP/1.1" 302 589 "-" "sg22 1.0 (iPad Simulator; iPhone OS 5.0; en_US)"
    IP - - [04/Feb/2012:12:07:22 -0500] "GET /member HTTP/1.1" 200 2256 "-" "sg22 1.0 (iPad Simulator; iPhone OS 5.0; en_US)"

    Is there a way to use Am_Lite to login a user? To recieve a success or failure?
  3. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    There is the code
    require '/pathtoamember/bootstrap.php';
    $result Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->login($_POST['login'], $_POST['passwd'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    if (
    // check if user has access
    $products Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->getUser()->getActiveProductIds();
         if (
    "OK, user subscribed to product #123";
    "Error, user is not subscribed to product #123";
    } else {
    "Username or password incorrect";
    skippybosco likes this.
  4. stockguy22

    stockguy22 Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Ah so this will work outside of amember directory where as a plugin would be inside. Very nice.
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    That is not a plugin, just a standalone PHP page you may put anywhere on your website (outside of aMember folder) and here you can provide any services based on user authentication.
  6. stockguy22

    stockguy22 Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Correct. That's what I meant. :)
  7. superlativesmagazine

    superlativesmagazine New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    hey Stockguy -- how did you manage to pass the login credentials securely to your php script? -- I'm trying to integrate amember authetication into an iPad app as well

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