Mailing Labels

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by vacc_webmaster, May 5, 2007.

  1. vacc_webmaster

    vacc_webmaster Member

    Jan 24, 2007
    I like the report section of aMember because it's so easy to pull information with just a click-however, it does not provide me useful information that I would use.

    I would like to have a report that allows creation of mailing labels so I don't have to use the EXPORT, save the excel file, and then bring it in Microsoft Office. Basically, wanting it easy for any back-end user to print expired and active members postal information in a mailing label form at ease with just a simple click. Has this been accomplished by someone or any way I can be instructed to make such report? Thank you.

  2. deafdavid

    deafdavid Member

    Aug 28, 2006
    I have asked aMember Team to expand more reportings including labels. I believe at one point last year or so, I posted here asking if anyone knows of a "third party" software I could add to aMember (plug-in) and create my own different reports. I never got any reply.

    Michael, let me know if you hear from anyone? I do need label feature (one of several reports I need).


    P.S. It would be nice to add a section here on aMember to place all customized templates or software created by aMember users and we'd download for our use. Of course, Alex and aMember Team needs to test it before posting it. And it's not to be an endorsement by aMember Team. Maybe the user can rate the customized templates or software.

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