I have answered my fair share of questions on the forum, but today I have one. I just can't think of a simple work flow for this, so I am seeking the wisdom of the crowd. I am building a WordPress-powered site that is integrated with aMember for a client. The site offers stock trading advice complete with morning and afternoon "Market Reports" along with other regular content. All this content is placed on various WordPress pages/posts and made available to anyone with a subscription to "Member". Here is the twist. The current stock information goes back for over a year and my client wants new members to only have access to the trading information from the day they join and going forward. So, how can I control each new membership to the single product "Member" to only have access to pages/posts from the day they join? Thanks in advance for any ideas on this. Hopefully I have overlooked a simple solution.
Grant not knowing how you have your pages organised or what is possible but have you thought along the lines of including a conditional statement at start of each page? Thinking of say on each page include a date page was constructed and then each member would have a join date so conditional statement, which would be standardised apart from a date variable, along lines of: IF $page _date > $join_date then $access=TRUE Just an idea to start ball (or thought process if no other suggestions!) rolling.
thehpmc, This is a new site and I am starting with a blank canvas, so I have a lot of flexibility. I'll ponder on this approach. Thanks
This feels very doable. I am not a programmer, but I have one on staff and ran it by him and he suggested the same approach.
aMember has an 'of the month' version of the wordpress plugin available. http://www.membershipacademy.com/access/of-the-month-plugin-for-amember-4-x-wordpress-sites/ David