Hi there, we only do business in one country. I've edited the country list so that only one shows up in the signup form, but customers still have to select "Canada". How can I modify either signup.php or /templates/signup.html so that it automatically defaults to one country? I am sure this would affect the next field "State" too since the drop-down menu changes based on which country is select. thanks, Kelly
Edit /amember/templates/signup.html and replace this: Code: <select name="country" id="f_country" size="1" > {country_options selected=$smarty.request.country} </select> to Code: <select name="country" id="f_country" size="1" > <option value='CA'>Canada </select>
Andrey was so kind to send me the answer: Where <country code> should be replaced with your code of choice, for example NL for Netherlands, UK for United Kingdom.
Thanks for the information. That helped set the default country. How would it be done to set the state by default in the drop-down to Virginia? Code: <tr> <th><b><label for="state">#_TPL_SIGNUP_STATE#{$a_req}</label></b><br /> <div class="small"></div></th> <td> <input type="text" name="state" id="t_state" size="30" {if $config.use_address_info eq '1'}_required="1" realname="State" {else}_required="0"{/if} value="{$smarty.request.state|escape}" {if count($state_options)>1}disabled="true" style='display: none;' {/if} /> <select name="state" id="f_state" size="1" {if $config.use_address_info eq '1'}_required="1" realname="State"{/if} {if count($state_options)<=1}disabled="true" style='display: none;'{/if} > {html_options options=$state_options selected=$smarty.request.state} </select> </td> </tr>
You can do this the same way: Code: {if $smarty.request.state} {html_options options=$state_options selected=$smarty.request.state} {else} {html_options options=$state_options selected='VA'} {/if}
this will be available in next aMember version. Added default country option to address info brick settings.
I also would bekeen to get rid of US and CA appearing at the top of country drop downs and be able to change it UK