I wish to add two additional fields to display on the signup and edit profile screens. I am assuming that the position of the {$additional_fields_html} statement determines where these fields will appear on the screen. However, I do not wish these fields to appear on consequtive lines. How do I therefore indicate that additional field 1 will follow 'Street' and additional field 2 will follow 'Country'
Hi! May I answer something which you did never asked? When you create a field, MAKE SURE to select SQL field, then save it and thereafter _MAKE_SURE_ to see it that it did save as SQL field. Making changes in those additional fields, once again read and remember what I have written _EXACTLY_ above!!! The programming in this area is not that great and I have already made mistakes. Due tho this mistakes of mine, I would hope that others also do not make the same mistakes... Further, if you want to have dynamic generation of those fields, then you need to have the script codes listed in there. Hwever you can write a normal INPUT tag everywhere in the form, just like a normal html code and save it with the correct name _EXACTLY_ the same name as in the table, what you created. Thereafter you will never have o bother how the codes generates and in what sequence. By adding your own input html tags you have an added advantage in that you cn have the orders the way you want and also thereby releasing the database connections for this generation of those fields, however this may not be a big or relevant issue at all...