Clickbank if needed

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by obob, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. obob

    obob New Member

    Feb 16, 2008
    Hi there I have a question I would love to accept paypal and clickbank. But only have one or the other show up as a payment option at a time.

    Like if they go to my website directly they can pay threw paypal

    if they go threw the clickbank hop link they pay threw the clickbank option
    and if there already have a clickbank affiliate cookie it would show the clickbank option.

    is there any way that I can have this done ?
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    You cant read cookies from other sites, but you may be able to do it using the referring URL.

    You would need to create a cookie when the user comes to your landing page. If the referring URL is clickbank, then you'd give them a special cookie.
    Then on the signup.php script you need to check for this cookie, and if present pass the info to the signup.html page where it would display the clickbank signup otherwise paypal.

  3. obob

    obob New Member

    Feb 16, 2008

    That solves that but how can I limit the signup.php to show either paypal or clickbank. so is there a way to do


    that way it could use only the payment method I set them to ? instead of show both
  4. rlpublishing

    rlpublishing New Member

    Oct 11, 2006
    Alex once told me this ...

    If you have multiple payment methods set up (eg PayPal & Clickbank), but want only one of them to be used during sign-up, you can force this with the sign-up URL, like this:

    (I quote it like this, with "price_group=-123", because that's how I use amember, to show one product at a time to the prospect. If you don't want to do that, the "hide_paysys" bit should come after the question mark like this: .../signup.php?hide_paysys=clickbank)

    Paradoxically (to my way of thinking), this does not "hide" clickbank, it forces it to be used. Likewise, &hide_paysys=paypal_r (or whatever) will force the use of Paypal (or whatever !).

    Notice that it's the payment plugin names that are being used here. So if it was Worldpay or whatever, substitute "worldpay" (or whatever).

    I'm not sure if this is documented anywhere, but it's pretty nifty. It seems to work for me.

    All the best

  5. andrebell

    andrebell Member

    Aug 28, 2007
    Cannot update product: You MUST enter Clickbank Product ID...

    I'm wondering the same thing. Anyone can simply go to ../amember/signup.php? and see all your payment options. This is bad if you are running multiple promotions with differing 'packages'. My clickbank offer costs less (max $100 allowed) and doesn't include everything the non-clickbank offer includes. Yet anyone can enter /amember/signup.php? and select clickbank as a payment processor even for my non-clickbank offers.

    I tried turning off clickbank option, removing cb ID from non-clickbank product, saving it just fine. But that also disables my cb offer :-(

    So when I re-enable clickbank offer but need to change anything in non-clickbank product I get an error saying, "Cannot update product: You MUST enter Clickbank Product ID while you're using Clickbank Plugin".

    Kind of a rollercoaster. A suggestion might be to make clickbank option product specific. That way non-clickbank products are not affected by the plugin.

    If there's another way to block access to clickbank plugin for non-clickbank products please let me know.



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