So every time my members log in, they see old emails archived. I'd like to remove these old messages but do not know how. Can someone give me step-by-step instructions? Thanks in advance!
Thats in the file amember/templates/member.html You need to remove some code: from <!-- newsletters form --> to <!-- end of newsletters form --> i believe. David
Didn't work, but thanks for trying. I've got 5 email messages stored that I need to get rid of. Any other advice anyone?
amember admin/ email/ newsletter archive / delete i didnt realize you wanted to get rid of the archive as well, thought just the subscribe unsubscribe area. try deleting <!-- newsletters form --> to <!-- end of newsletters archive --> David
I finally got it. The problem at first was when I deleted everything in between like you suggested, it wiped the member's page out, leaving an error code. So I just deleted a few lines and tested it. Thanks for your help.