Hello, How can I display the username and password the person used on the signup page, immediately on the thank you page after they paid via clickbank? I want to display it on the thanks.html *which is what I have been editing) Many thanks, Peter
I test this! This is a security hazard! I tested it on my own site. The above code will work, however, ANYONE can access the thank you page if they know the specific url. They are in the format: http://www.yoursite.com/amember/thanks.php?payment_id=XX XX = transaction number All someone has to do is change the XX and they can see someone elses username, password, receipt #, etc.
Alternative Or, you could embed a short JavaScript in the SignUp code that builds the Thank You page on-the-fly containing the userid/password, and pops it up. When the user closes the pop-up, it's gone, and there's no URL stored anywhere with the information.
If your amember is set to automatically log them in right after they paid, then you could have it redirect to a php page. On that php page have it detect if they are logged in. If so it would display all their info. If they are not logged in, then show an error or do nothing.
You should use the SESSION variables instead... <?= $_SESSION['_amember_login'] ?> <?= $_SESSION['_amember_pass'] ?> It's possible that your Smarty is set to not run php directly. So, if the above code doesn't work, you should try this: {php} echo($_SESSION['_amember_login']) {/php} {php} echo($_SESSION['_amember_pass']) {/php} dK
How do I add the name, email, and other info on the thank you page using sessions or by capturing the info from 1Shoppingcart and what they pass over? Can you please display the code to show this info? I'm looking to add it to a hidden aweber webform so after they signup they click the login button which automatically subscribes them to the buyers list. Thanks.
You can use smarty variables for this: {$member.login} {$member.pass} {$member.email} {$member.name_f} {$member.name_l}
{$smarty.session._amember_user.name_f} {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_l} {$smarty.session._amember_user.email}
Has anyone gotten this to work in FireFox ? I am using 3.6x and I've tried all variations above without success... just shows blank.
This does not matter what browser you use. Above variables will be parsed on server side. What code you try to use and where exactly?