members cancel trials

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by ianternet, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. ianternet

    ianternet aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 26, 2009
    I am using paypal payment system. when a user does a trial and they cancel. the 7 day period doesn't expire.

    when I look into the users the subscriptions goes up to 12/31/2012

    the status says cancelled but not expired.

    I had to manually go in and set the dates for users who cancelled early.

    why is amember not setting the days of the trial? I specifically setup a 1 day trial 7 for 7 days. it does work the proper payments goes to paypal but it is when they cancel that isn't being reflected in amember.
  2. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Others have asked this question before, and the answers may be found in the forums here.

    A cancellation is different from getting a refund. A cancellation simply means they will not be billed for the NEXT subscription period, and has no bearing on the CURRENT subscription period. Therefore, the current period is not altered, and the member will continue to have access until the end of the current period.

    If they have paid for the trial period, and you still have that money, then they deserve to have access for the period for which they have paid. Whether that trial period cost $100 or nothing, it doesn't matter, it's an agreement you make with your members, and you are legally bound by that agreement.
  3. ianternet

    ianternet aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 26, 2009
    even if the trial is set forth for 7 days?

    my trial is 7 days 1$ after 7 days you get billed XX amount.

    if they cancel within the 7 days why would they get entitled to the rest of the membership when no payment of XX was paid for?

    I understand if they cancel within the membership, I understand that part.

    but within the trial?

  4. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    If you have a 7-day trial and a member cancels within the trial period, they would have access until the end of the 7-day trial, but not beyond that.

    When the 7-day trial is over, aMember automatically changes their account to "expired".

    If not, then maybe you need to check if cron jobs are enabled.
  5. ianternet

    ianternet aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 26, 2009
    ok cool so I think this is working now. now what about users who receive a refund? shouldnt their membership stop them from loging in right away?

    the crons are running too and it seems that users who request a refund are still able to log in. I understand the cancellation part if they cancel they are still able to use it till the end of the month.

    but what about refunds?
  6. vimalm

    vimalm Guest

    Aug 25, 2009
    how do you handle refunds? Im assuming you handle that manually? (Im not aware of any built-in refund ability within amember - although I would like to see that for processors that could handle it :) ).

    So, if you are doing a refund manually, then you would simply change the end date of that users subscription in the admin area to be today or yesterday - it will then show up as expired.
  7. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Theres no build in refund module for amember- you need to manually do these.
    I create a new product called refunded, and change the members product to that in amember, along with an expiration date of yesterday.

  8. ianternet

    ianternet aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 26, 2009
    ahh man that is beat - there should be a way since paypal IPNs and CLickbank IPNs are being used? because when a refund comes back it fires at my aff system ipns and removes payment.

    maybe a plugin of some sort might be made for this??
  9. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    David, that's a great idea to have a product called 'refunded'.
    How do you track what their original membership was before you changed it?
    Do you have a separate "refund" product for each membership product?

    The few times I've had to process refunds, I've always gone into aMember to mark the payment as such (by adding "- refunded" to the receipt number), and changing the expiration date didn't seem like that much extra work.

    But yes, it would be nice to have a more formal way of doing refunds, with a true status code and everything.

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