Andi, You should test it first in a non production environment. Given vBulletin is not yet release code (still alpha, not even beta yet) you should obviously proceed with caution.
following back up on this.. I've tested with the recent beta and the existing vBulletin plugin is working 100% at this point.
I have updated the 3.0 plugin to 4.0 but I noticed that if you change the password in vBulletin it no longer redirects you to the amember profile. I brought this up to the amember team and they told me to disable the vBulletin update profile feature of vBulletin. I have not had time to look into it further but I have plans of it tonight. if you want the update plugin you can download it I have given this same plugin to the amember team and asked them to make sure it was correct. I am not a programmer but Anton (amember staff / programmer) said it looked good. you can see it in action at VB 4.0 Suite PL1 aMember 3.1.8
Sorry my mistake I was on the admin account when I tested this function. Everything seems to be working as it should.
I tested it but in amember plugin i have not all the usergroups in the list. For example I miss Administrator Group on DENIED LEVELS!
In Vbulletin 4.0 all my styling (Vbulletin default) is lost when I activate the amember plugin. When I disable it everything goes back to normal. The only fix I have found is by going to (in Vbulletin) plugins & products-->plugin manager and unchecking the option: "During startup - set session user_id from aMember if possible and reload style_fetch" This is causing my users to have to log in twice now. Any ideas how to fix this?
Hi, Is it possible to get an official response from aMember staff regarding vBulletin 4.0? Does the currently plugin work correctly? If not, are there any plans to update it to work with v4.0? Thanks in advance.
@gnicholas: There are a number of us using with vb4 with no issue at all, which suggests that at least at the core functionality is solid and working correctly. As with any integration effort of two independently developed applications, variances in install/implementation/configuration/customization from site to site will have some effect. If you need an "Official" response from aMember, they suggest you make use of their support help desk:
This is single login issue. vBulletin and aMember root urls were not in the same domain so there was loop when hook was executed, cookies were set for wrong domain name so were not accessible from vBulletin.
Im confused..... I have my forum installed at Can aMember be at and still work?
I wanted to know if aMember has to be installed inside the forum directory or can it be in its own directory outside of the forum directory.
If you are protecting the entire forum (ie. not using a vBulletin plugin, but rather protecting the folder itself) aMember should should be in its own directory outside of the forum directory. If you are using the vBulltin plugin than aMember can either be in the forum folder or not, depending on your preference.
I am having the same problem.... <~ this is where amember is installed <~ this is where the forum is installed The root urls that i have in the vbulletin amember plugin is
I tested it here and he is having the same forum css problem too!!! After amember redirects you to the forum, the forum styling is all messed up! Look that the user profile page too. I so i know it isn't just me. This product doesn't support vBulletin 4.x.