Single use coupon code for lifetime discount on recurring subscription

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by curlyroger, May 25, 2010.

  1. curlyroger

    curlyroger New Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    I want to create a coupon code that we print on business cards and hand out. The coupon codes are meant to be disposable in that they can only be used once. When you use that coupon code to sign up for a subscription, you get a 10% lifetime discount.

    So, I generated a batch of coupons with these settings:

    * Coupons Usage Count = 1
    * Member Coupons Usage Count = 99999
    * Discount = 10%
    * Don't limit date of usage checked
    * Apply to recurring checked

    However, when the next billing period comes around, the 10% discount is not applied.

    Is this because coupon usage count is 1? I thought that would only allow the coupon to be used once for signup and then the member usage count lets that user (who signed up with the coupon) use it over and over on their recurring product. Instead, it seems like member coupon usage count is capped by the coupon usage count. When viewing the coupon via admin CP, the "count/used" value for the coupon goes to "1/2" meaning it has been used twice even though the discount wasn't applied.

    Is what I want possible?
  2. curlyroger

    curlyroger New Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    If what I want is not possible, then I believe the solution is:

    1. Set coupon usage count = 99999 also
    2. Modify signup code (ajax.php -> ajaxCheckCoupon) to call a modified coupon_get()
    3. My modified coupon_get() does the usual tests but rejects the coupon for usage during signup if used_count > 0

    This way, you cannot signup with the coupon if it has been used at all, but the high coupon usage count allows the user to use it over and over for themselves...?
  3. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes you right.

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