Hi I tested a new account, with amember, after integration with my personal login details. My administrator account in phpBB3 was deleted. I guess it was because the registration then fell under "registered users" and I was in the administrator group? I linked my posts back to the new member account and all is well. I just don't want this to happen with my current members when they transfer to Amember. Here are a few questions I need help with please: 1. How can I avoid the above from happening to my current members? 2. Do I deactivate user registration in phpBB3? 3. I created a protect folder and tested it. As I tried to enter the forum it asked for authentication. Perfect. I entered my login details and it kept asking for authentication. Wonder why? Enough questions for now... Cheers Joe
Did you make the username in amember the same as your admin name in phpbb3? Edits to the profile etc.. should be done in amember. Why are you protecting a folder? The phpbb3 plugin is what should be synching the logins. David