Not sure what I need

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by chambrln, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. chambrln

    chambrln New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    I'm not sure if what I need to do can be done or if aMember is the solution for me. Let me try and explain what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm running a Wordpress site.

    My customer would like to offer various subscription options that allow access to private post, download content, video streams, and photo galleries. The subscriptions will be recurring monthly, quarterly, or yearly depending on the product they wish to purchase/subscribe to.

    To hopefully recap what I need the ability for:
    1) Multiple subscription options and allow users to purchase and be a member of more than one subscription
    2) Lock downloads based on subscription membership
    3) Lock posts based on group membership

    Thanks in advance for any advice or help.
  2. grantswaim

    grantswaim New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
    This could be handled with aMember. My experience is with the amProtect plugin which I know can handle these tasks.

    Yes, aMember supports unlimited subscription products and there is no hierarchical structure requirement.

    There are controls within aMember that can be used to prevent a user from purchasing redundant subscriptions. Such as if a user owns A they can buy C but not B. There is also a feature that handles a person purchasing two of the same time based subscriptions.

    You could put the download links on a page that is protected by amProtect. To prevent the links from being "bookmarked" you could put the files in a folder on the same server and protect the folder with aMember.

    Optionally you could put the files on Amazon S3 and protect them with a WordPress plgin such as S3FlowShield. VideoPress also will lock a download to a call from your website.

    amProtect will lock a page, post, or category based on a person's subscription. I am not sure what you mean by "group";however, you could set up a subscription that is dedicated to a particular group. You an even have URLs that only show subscription products that are part of a group.

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