Hey, For some reason the emails from 'Account Sharing Prevention' do not seem to come through any more. Users have logged in with 4 IPs in 7 days, the settings are set to a maximum of 3 IPs in 10 days. I've used the email test to see if emails are being sent out by amember and they do seem to be.
1) Are the users actually being blocked (ie. check users accounts and see if they are locked) 2) Something happen to the template? Admin -> Setup / Configuration -> Advanced -> Account Sharing Prevention -> Edit Email Template. Should look something like this:
Hey, I've checked both, the template is fine. Accounts aren't being locked automatically. It's set to email me only when the criteria is met.
So you have your minutes set to 10,080 (see attached example) ? How are you confirming that they are using 4 IPs in the time frame (ie. do you have a log you can share with us)
Mine is set to hours for some reason. 240 hours. They can have a maximum of 3 IPs. I do have aMember remote and this user has accessed the remote site every time. Maybe that could be the issue?
Well I believe there is a problem with setting and it counts for minutes and not for hours. There was such bug in old versions.
3.1.8, alex I'm using amember remote, could that mean it's not looking at those IPs as account sharing?
So you have a couple of variables that could be hurting you. 1) Sounds like there was a bug in previous versions of aMember where it would indicate HOURS, but was actually calculating at minutes (as Alexander mentioned above). You can try and adjust your values to minutes (ie. 14400) and see if that makes a difference. You could also upgrade to the latest version of aMember 3.2.3 which addresses a number of bug and security issues. 2) Not sure how adding aMember remote into the mix would impact this.
aMember may not count those IPs as part of it's account sharing on the remote site. So people who login on the remote site have their IPs recorded but not 'counted' as part of the sharing - if that makes sense?
No. If you see their IP in access log when they login throught aMember remote, then aMember will count these IPs as well.
@simplyr: just to follow back up from the point earlier, have you either a) updated your aMember to the latest version or b) changed the time to be reflective of minutes and not hours to avoid the bug that Alexander mentioned (ie. 240 hours would be 14400 minutes)
I tried the minutes thing and it worked. Should have said this earlier. I did it when I last made a post. Only just got an email today about account sharing