I really need to figure out how to change the header for public views of pages. And to remover the footer with amember references. I've looked at http://v4.amember.com/docs/Themes_and_Templates But can't find anything about editing html templates. If I could change header height (to accomodate my logo) and header bg color and remove the footer, for (signup, profile, and all other member pages) that would be a good start. Can I just change files here? application/default/views/public/img/ Images application/default/views/public/css/ CSS files Want new header and no footer (at this stage) for all public viewable pages. Under "application/default/views/" all the phtml files are there. Do I have to change those files? Very confused.....
John B, All your questions have been about WordPress (WP). If you are using WP simply check this box on the WP configuration page in aMember and it will use the header and footer from your WP theme.
Yes, you can change these files, but it may be overwritten by upgrades. Better way: - create folder application/default/theme/mysite/ - inside that folder create: application/default/theme/mysite/public/css/ application/default/theme/mysite/public/img/ - now select any files that you want to change from amember/application/default/views/ and copy to approriate path at amember/application/default/themes/mysite/ then edit. This way you will always keep track of what files you had changes, and it won't be overwritten after upgrade.
Can't figure out how to get my logo showing. Layout.phtml... I deleted <h4>Hello From Red Template</h4> Here is a sample of theme-based image <img src="<?php echo $this->_scriptImg('large-alert.png'); ?>"> and you can "override" base images. In css I put: .am-header-content-wrapper { height: 92px; background: url('../img/gt.jpg') repeat-x top left #FFFFFF; } .am-header-content { padding-top: 1em; } But it's not taking for some reason. I also have a funny //<![CDATA[ issue. See attached txt file. This is when viewing the /amember/signup form.
John, I think you are using aMember with WordPress. In my case when I checked the "Use WordPress Theme" as mentioned earlier in this thread, the aMember pages "automagically" added my WordPress header, footer, and styling. On my site when you go from a WP page to an aMember page, the transition is seamless with zero coding.
Hi Grant. I tried that but the header and footer end up entirely different. I'm using the Catalyst theme and Amember doesn't pull in the correct header and footer stuff. The styling is all fckd up.
Thats a bummer. You should report this on the BugTracker and let aMember take a look. They need to be aware of this since there will be others that use this theme.
Sorry for not including all the info. Here is the link: http://bt.amember.com/login I think it is set up to use the same username / password as your aMember account. Here you can submit bugs like you have encountered (click on the New Issue tab) or suggest features. You can also see the progress on releases on the Road Map tab.
Hmmm... that's lists all the issues and goings on. Nowhere to add my issue. Not sure if I'm meant to be able to see all that stuff.
John, I saw bug request from you, however I can't check this because catalyst is paid theme, and I don't have an access to it. Can you contact me at alexander@cgi-central.net and provide access info. I will fix "use wordpress theme" setting to work with catalyst theme and update it on your installation.
I now have this issue. aMember was integrating with our WordPress theme nicely for over a year until someone pointed out today the "Hello From Red Template" header now visible. I'm sure it is just a strange update to WordPress that doesn't jive with aMember, but I do need to get it fixed. http://keepbastropcountybeautiful.org/kbcbmembers/signup/individual
Fixed myself. My host had changed the full server path to the aMember install. I had to update and Apply in both the aMember Wordpress plugin and in the aMember Wordpress configuration. Theme is back along with widgets!