vBulletin Plugin Integration (pre sales questions)

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mhmtozek, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    We have a forums with a number of appr 5000 subscribers. Installed on its own database. aMember is installed on a different database and has around 400 members with 120 waiting pending stated affiliates.

    Now I will like to purchase and install vBulletin integration plugin which i believe will automate members. But here goes my question, I don't want any of our affiliates to have access to our forums. I can create a limited access membership type for free product subscribers and affiliates, but will I be able to place condition so if user has no active subscribtion or got a refund for an active subscribiton -> make sure that account goes under limited users.. Does integration plugin support that? I am not going to cause any mess between user's database, will I? And last, after installation where do users are required to login from? through amember or through vbulletin?
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Well there can be issues because aMember will handle vBulletin database, so your existing vBulletin users needs to be imported into aMember.
    Plugin will not add pending users into vBulletin so you may not worry about affiliate accounts.
    Also, in regards to login, both ways will work.
  3. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    You mean i should do that manually? Export users from vBulletin and import into aMember? Or is there an automation that handles user table synchronization?

    The current vBulletin members will be marked as pending after integration with aMember, but they will have exception and have access to vBulletin too, right?
  4. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    I caused a very big mess, but i guess I have fixed it all. Two things.. Affiliate and Pending members are set as Coppa on vBulletin. I have no problem with that, but i actually cant see these members under coppa usergroup, hoever, they have got priviledges of coppa users only and cant access forums that is fine, but when they try to see a thread, they see a messages such as sorry you are banned, why is that?

    2- From amember, if users goes to non www version of forums, they are logged in -> but if they go to forums with www, they are logged out.

    amember root url is domain.com is that causing it? if i change that, will i have to hange the url for protected folders too ?
  5. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    Oh one more thing, now that everything seems to be working fine -> every user is going to request a new password to login.

    If I rebuild vBuletin DB -> it will get the user DB of aMember as master and update users on vB based on that for user groups, right? And I don't really need to initiate a rebuild to vB database as long as i don't make change within configuration of plugin, am i correct?
  6. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Was these users exists in vBulletin? Or they were added from aMember ?

    Contact us in helpdesk and request latest plugin version. This should be fixed in it.

    yes you have to change protection folders too.
  7. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    There were duplicate users but the plugin was smart enough not to save twice same entries. 180 of 4700 were skipped.

    The issue was that after initial installation and setup of plugin (before user import) the plugin banned whole complete vB users. The forums was on and the people on forums sent me email saying why they were banned.

    The follow up, I couldn't reset password for none of my test accounts. I reached one of my client, he said he can't recover password too (the system says check your email, but nothing goes out actually). So I disabled plugin, also disabled it on vB.

    Later I got courage to re-activate them again, but this time password reset worked, so right now it seems to be functional, great, but I really dont feel comfortable to click on rebuild vBulletin DB under utilities. Can I actually do that?
  8. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes you can do this but you should have in mind that Rebuild DB will block users who is not in aMember.
    And will completly reset all groups for vBulletin users. Groups will be set depending on subscriptions user have in aMember. Please backup database before doing this.
  9. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    My last question and I am all set after that Alexander. Can I turn registration off via admin panel of vBulletin? Currently the registration form of vBulletin redirects to aMember anyway.
  10. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003

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