How to have a separate order form?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by gregatbizop, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Using v4

    I am trying to work out how I can have a separate order form for a different type of product on my site?

    I have 4 deals on 1 page but I want to add 4 different types of products, I have added category's but they are all showing on one long page
  2. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    and the other product are a one time purchase
  3. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
  5. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Ok Thank you

    I have managed to do that but I now have two order forms with the same products, I want the main sign up form for one set of products (recurring)

    The other should have one off products
  6. juanfra

    juanfra New Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    I also need to have a form template in which a product ID is sent as a parameter.

    Is it hard to do that? How can that be made?

  7. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I think your talking about something different to me
  8. juanfra

    juanfra New Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    sorry mate.
  9. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    All good :)

    I just want to have a separate form for some products we sell on our site, just found out we can have two orders forms but that defeats the object if you can only list the same products as I might as well have one
  10. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    have a look to aMember CP -> Forms Editor -> Edit Signup Form -> Configure Products brick
  11. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Hopefully last question, I have to enter a time period for a product even though its a one off?

    Could get confusing
  12. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes you have to do this.
    This is period when user have access to protected content.
  13. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I have worked a way round it by putting in terms text so thats sorted
    The last thing I need to work out is how I can change this form;


    After payment I had the page do a meta redirect to a simple submission form if they have certain recurring packages

    However this time I have a separate sign up form for one off deals (as discussed) and that's now running, but I need to be able to put a link (in screen shot) to the single submission form and not the recurring form?

    Also the "submit your order" link you see in the screen shot shouldn't be viewed under that deal so I think you have a bug in the system as I have this set to show ONLY if they have the recurring deal not single

    I sort of need amember to to do these things

    1: Carry on taking recurring sign ups, go through payment and send user to submission form ONE (example)

    2: Take a single order sign up, go through payment and send user to submission form TWO (which is slightly different from ONE)

    I need to either be able to link to the new submission form (not best way) or have the single purchase go through the system and ONLY show the submission form called TWO (example)
  14. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    sorry not sure I understood how this should work.
    Can you submit a ticket, provide aMember CP login/password/url and explain on exact example.
    Also I'll check why link was displayed when it shouldn't
  15. gregatbizop

    gregatbizop Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    No offence but I can't keep giving out admin details as we have our clients data to think about I just want to be able to change the page as screenshot above

    It doesn't matter if I raise a ticket or write it here as you get what I mean even though I have screen shot it so ill try again

    I have recurring payments as the core business;

    1: Client orders and gets taken to the page (as in screen shot)
    2: They click the link (as in screen shot) and send off the order

    Simple procedure, I have the "submit your order" page to ONLY show is they have certain products (like your guides state)

    The other scenario want to do but I need to add a link to the main login page

    1: I have another set of products but these are single payments
    2: Client SHOULD be able to use a different submission form after payment

    I have set the new submission page (which is a simple contact form) set to only show if they have the single order products but amember is not showing the new order form only the old one even though its not set to show up on these single order products

    So if that bug cant be sorted then the simply option is to have both links show on this page /amember/member and I can simply hyper link to both forms and give my clients the option - not the best way but I'm about 9 days behind trying to set to the bottom of this

    EDIT; If I click the "submit your order" link it will direct me to the home page UNLESS I have the right package

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