aMember Signup Forms with Wordpress Site

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by jdsilva, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. jdsilva

    jdsilva New Member

    Jun 3, 2011
    I cannot seem to be able to get the signup sheets to load within my wordpress site, unless I use iframes.
    The issue with iframes, is if you use Paypal as a processor, paypal won't work unless the form is submitted outside of an iframe.

    Does anyone know how to address this issue.
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    You cannot use this approach.

    Yes I do. Follow the integration instructions found in the WordPress section of the aMember Documentation Wiki.
  3. jdsilva

    jdsilva New Member

    Jun 3, 2011
    wow, really that is your answer, follow the directions? I did follow the directions, and it isn't working. So would you care to expand on that answer? I didn't see anywhere in the documentation how you integrate Paypal in aMember from a wordpress site. I can make Paypal work, but that is not the issue. the issue is that once aMember is intergrated to Wordpress, when you click the aMember links, they open in their own window. They take you away from the wordpress theme. I am not interested in customizing aMember themes to look like my site. I am trying to intergrate it into the currently theme of Wordpress. Ohh and before you suggestion dragging the aMember widget to the page, that also doesn't work. Check for an example. I'm not going to hold my breath, but perhaps your next reply will actually be helpful.
  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    You did not follow the directions, that is why it is not working. Nowhere in the integration instructions does it say to embed an aMember page into a WordPress page. I know that for a fact because I wrote the documentation.
    No. I stand on my original answer. If you follow the integration instructions explicitly all the issues you are identifying go away.
    That is because you activate PayPal in aMember which has nothing to do with WordPress. Those instructions are found on this page.
    All of this is fixed if you do not iFrame aMember into a WordPress page and integrate the two as previously referenced.
  5. jdsilva

    jdsilva New Member

    Jun 3, 2011
    I went through and watched the video, and followed the instructions again, and I am still in the same place.
    Let me simplify my problem. I have aMember working with paypal. I have integrated aMember with Wordpress, and uploaded and activated the aMember plugin.

    If a user successfully pays for a subscription, they are given access in Wordpress. That is working. The issue I am having is how do display the signup sheet within a wordpress theme.

    Can you take a look at my site If you click the login on the top right, youll see it redirects to amember directly doesnt open it within the theme. It does the same if you click free trial, or pricing. I currently put it in an iframe to make it work, which solved displaying the signup sheet within the wordpress theme, however paypal wont process the form if its coming from an iframe.

    This should be a simple issue. I understand you maybe a programmer. I will pay you for you time if you can rectify this.
  6. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Yes, Integration instructions are provided via a video and also in the aMember Documentation Wiki. However, when I work with people most find the written documentation easier to follow due to the fact it is broken down into small steps. You can also print out each page of the wiki.
    • You will find the WordPress table of contents on this page.
    • To make this as easy as possible, I have all the steps in one document (less BuddyPress info) and you can download it here.
    Like I said before, you can't embed an aMember page into WordPress. It will create issues you haven't even see or thought about. Trust me, I have been there and done that.

    With this integration you must display an aMember page when the user has to interface with aMember. However, when you do a good job on configuring the aMember layout, the switch between a WordPress page and an aMember page is seemless. Go to my site, and from the homepage click on "Login" at the top of the right side bar. I think this jump from a WordPress page to an aMember page is seamless.

    I went to your site an it looks like you are doing it right. All your links that deal with aMember goes to an aMember page and the transaction goes pretty smooth. There are a few tweaks you could do (drop the aMember footer, and change out the background header color on the forms) but it looks good to me.

    What you are currently doing looks fine, there is no need to embed aMember into the WordPress page. However, you should be able to use the aMember widget so that after the user made the purchase they could login/logout from WordPress and never leave WordPress.
  7. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    I had the same problem with Joomla. I wanted to display amember within the joomla theme. In the end the best option was to take the theme, and apply it over the top of the amember theme. This gives the illusion that it is part of Joomla but its not really it just looks like it is.
  8. orish

    orish aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 15, 2011
    Hi Wallpaper, I think I want to do just what you did. I also have Joomla and am using a commercial template. I'd like the amember bits (registration forms, product forms, and member area) to look like it's an integral part of my (Joomla) site.

    Please could you explain how you did it.

  9. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    Hi Gary,

    It wasn't really a simple process but I found the theme folder of the theme I used in Joomla and copied the index.php and the css to the amember theme template folder. I then copied the layout of layout.phtml into the index.php body and renamed the index.php to layout.phtml. I had to add in the css from amember to the top of the page. Also I needed to hard code in the urls of the link bar. It was all a bit of a faff but it all looks like its integrated now. You might need to know the coding to pull this off...

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