Custom Signup Forms

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by jdsilva, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. jdsilva

    jdsilva New Member

    Jun 3, 2011
    I have created a custom signup form using the new brick system.
    I have added 3 Product bricks. Each product brick shows products from 1 category. So in total I have 3 different product categories for the visitor to choose from. They can only choose 1 product.

    * Single User Subscriptions
    --> Monthly Sub
    --> Annual Sub
    Family Packs
    --> Monthly Sub
    --> Annual Sub
    Business Subscriptions
    --> Monthly Sub
    --> Annual Sub

    The issue that I am having is that first product brick as a red * making it mandatory. How do I change it or remove it. The second issue that I have is how to I make it so if they select a product in a category that it deselects any other product that may have been selected.

    I will have several different membership options so I am trying to find a good solution to present them, and provide the visitor an easy interface.
    Please see live example at
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    I think adding all these choices on one page is a little too "busy". Also a user might end up on this page and not really know the pros/cons between the Single User, Family, and Business plans.

    I would have a sales page (available from the main menu) that describes the features of the three plans and from within each plan description provide a link to a customized aMember signup that only offered that plan. In this case you would need three signup forms (one for each plan)

    You often see this accomplished with comparison charts. You could have a column for each plan and have the features listed as rows with check marks to indicate which feature comes with each plan. At the bottom of each plan column, provide a link to the correct signup form.

    You restrict options on a sales page by the "Input Style" setting in the Product Brick

  3. jdsilva

    jdsilva New Member

    Jun 3, 2011
    Thank you, I took your suggestion on a comparison chart, I think you are absolutely correct, that would be much more effective.

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