Free Signup

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mmeachm, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. mmeachm

    mmeachm New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    We do not offer a free or trial period, but we do accept payment by check. When a member who has paid by check is manually added, we have only two payment options: PayPal and Free Signup. How can I change "Free Signup" to "Check"?
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    The best way is to use the "Offline Payment" option. You could offer this as the only way to checkout or in conjunction with any other payment options.

    When you activate this payment option you customize the message that is shown to user at the end of the order. This is where you explain offline payment options and how to submit payment. In your case you could include information such as mailing address and any other information about a check transaction that you think is pertinent.

    At this point the transaction is held as pending. When payment is received you enter it manually as follows:

    1. From Admin CP, click on "Reports" in the left menu panel.
    2. In the Reports section click on the "Payment" button
    3. At the top of the Payments Page click on the "Invoice" button in the top menu bar.
    4. Click on the "Status" header in the table to sort the list with "Pending" invoices at the top.
    5. Click on the invoice number that you want to process.
    6. On the User Invoices Page you will find a section showing pending invoices and an "Add Payment Manually" link that allows the invoice to be posted as paid.
    7. The transaction then is automatically changed from Pending to Active.
  3. mmeachm

    mmeachm New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Thanks!!!! That works wonderfully.

    How can I remove the "Free Signup" option?
  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Not sure what you mean... If the product has a price, it should not mention free.
  5. mmeachm

    mmeachm New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    When you manually enter a member, under payment options "Free Signup" is listed
  6. mmeachm

    mmeachm New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    If you go to VERSIONS on the menu side, "Free Signup" is listed as a plugin. It does not come up on any other list so I can remove it. I may have to enter a ticket. I'm thinking the easiest way would be to probably rename the php file, but that could break the site if this plugin is required.
  7. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes plugin is enabled by default, but there is nothing wrong.
    Plugin will be used automatically only if product price is zero.
  8. mmeachm

    mmeachm New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    The problem this is causing is the person responsible for membership keeps inadvertently selecting this option under Payment Options when manually adding a member. (This organization has always been "brick and mortar". Their first plunge with internet signup was when I installed aMemberPRO V3 for them four years ago. Since their customer hadn't paid by PayPal, and I hadn't set up Offline Payments, she selected the only other choice, which has now recorded about 75 people who renewed their memberships by check as having paid nothing.) She is so used to selecting this option she has continued to do so. I would like to remove that choice! This will cause a nightmare at renewal time.
  9. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    When using offline payments the user should not be added "manually". The signup page should have the price of the product. Then when a user completes the signup the transaction is held as pending. Then it is a matter of posting the payment to the pending transaction as I mentioned earlier in the thread.

    How to post a payment to a pending transaction:
    1. From Admin CP, click on "Reports" in the left menu panel.
    2. In the Reports section click on the "Payment" button
    3. At the top of the Payments Page click on the "Invoice" button in the top menu bar.
    4. Click on the "Status" header in the table to sort the list with "Pending" invoices at the top.
    5. Click on the invoice number that you want to process.
    6. On the User Invoices Page you will find a section showing pending invoices and an "Add Payment Manually" link that allows the invoice to be posted as paid.
    7. The transaction then is automatically changed from Pending to Active.

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