I want to use amember to store lists of ebooks clients have bought from me, so membership of my site is free. On an ebook sales page I place a link to the member sign-up page (which describes the ebook and states the cost) Eg: http://mysite.com/member/signup.php?price_group=2&product_id=2&hide_paysys=paypal_r But do customers have to sign-up for a new account every time they buy an ebook? Or can existing customers log-in first then be redirected to the payment processor? Thanks in advance for any responses.
It seems others are looking for a similar solution: https://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6259 I think the only way to resolve this problem is to create a single page where members can either log-in to buy a product or sign-up to buy a product. Has any one developed such a solution?
A solution that I am using on one of my sites for cross selling involves checking to see if the user is logged in and if they are changing the URL to point to the member page, or in your example: http://mysite.com/member/member.php?price_group=2&product_id=2&hide_paysys=paypal_r (or a copy/modified version of the member.php page)