1ShoppingCart/aMember Advanced Integration

Discussion in 'Integration' started by tmonte, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. tmonte

    tmonte New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I've got the "normal" integration down but now I'm stuck and I need some creative thinkers to help me.

    I'm trying to create a product that...

    1) Will allow 3 User IDs in aMember

    2) Will allow lifetime membership in aMember of product A AND be on a recurring option with a subscription for product B (kind of like a product bundle which is available for 1ShoppingCart but not with a Member)

    3) Create a payment plan for a lifetime membership

    I'm thinking the only way to do this is to create the digital licenses in 1SC and import them into aMember. That would allow the product bundle for the subscription, the preassigned User IDs (that we can then recommend they go in and customize in the first autoresponder) and the payment plan, but I would really have it work more in sync with aMember... ANY SUGGESTIONS?

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