2checkout Paypal EC payments & Undefined Function strotime()

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mhmtozek, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    2checkout -> Paypal EC payments. any chance to make these payments automatically marked as paid and give immediate access to clients?

    Client has purchased an item, couldnt get access to item immediately (see attached screenshot). Amember shows 3 times higher money received from client while 2checkouts hows only one single sale.

    When I click on add payment manually - and add 2c0 transaction id into receipt field -> this is the error message that shows up
    Fatal errorCall to undefined function strotime() in ................/application/aff/library/AffCommissionRule.php on line 225
    I did it for all waiting invoices, it gave same same result for each line, but when i refresh pay, the add payment manually link was gone, instead i had 2checkout payment details. But still there were no access to product. I had to manually ad product access to client's account.

    Attached Files:

  2. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    The error code refers to affiliate file. I am afraid the recent changes (product specific aff link) implemented broke the affiliate system completely? I made a test sale and couldn't find share on affiliate page of admin section. But the click itself was visible. (is that because affiliate payment gets credited after payment is approved by 2co?)
  3. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    Even after payment gets approved, i see no share. I will do some other test sales and meanwhile update from 4.1.9 to 4.1.10

    As another issue; A payment submit via visa was set approved and paid under but I had to manually add product to user' account because it was not added automatically. The site is active and running with amember 4.x. We switched from e-junkie to amember and we are having serious issues (hopefully it is just our configuration mistakes)
  4. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    .. mistakenly duplicated
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    All these issues can be related to error that you get in Affiliate module.
    That error was fixed in 4.1.10 so I believe it should be fixed on your site after upgrade. If no, please contact us in helpdesk.
  6. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    4.1.10 is working perfectly fine. affiliate shares gets credited. is there a way to get monthly masspay list? When I go to Review/Pay Affiliate Commission page The page title says No Records. When I click on generate payout manually button, nothing happens. Is amember going to generate a record on that page by the end of month only?

    Update: I got my answer on another thread.

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