3 invoce for a product for on yers

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by fmagusto, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest


    I have a plugin for my CB, and i proposal a payment in 3 time for a product for one years.
    One payment 33 € this month, 33 the last month and 33 finaly.
    But in amember, a have a facture to 99€ and i need a invoice at 33€.

    Finaly, a proposal a payment un 3 time.

    its possible ?
    How to créate a facture 33€ $ 3 for my product at 99 €

    Heapy new years.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    So you need to have three monthly payments for 33 euros?
    So set first amount to 33 second amount to 33 and rebill times to 2
    Both periods should be set to 1 month
  3. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    No, i have need a product for one years, but with 3 paid. My product is 99€ and the subscriber paid 33€ for 3 month, but the products is for one year
  4. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Finally, i habe need select time for first periode (1 month)33€, second period (1 month) (33€) and final periode (33€) 10 month
    total 12 month and paid 1month 33€, two month 33 ans three month 33€, but for 10 month.
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Unfortunately such setup is impossible.
    You can do this if will split payment to three equal parts with equal periods : 33 euros for 4 months.
  6. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    it not possible to use this for a futur, because with the crise financial, the subscriber have need a paiement delay

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