3 payments resulting in 1 year of access?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by ryanbsmith, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. ryanbsmith

    ryanbsmith Member

    Apr 29, 2008
    I've helped a client set up a product with 3 payments of $149 every 28 days, and after the 3rd payment the subscription needs to remain active for the remainder of a year. All of the content protection is set to provide access to the content for the year, but the product expires 28 days after the 3rd payment, so the customer loses access to everything.

    If the first price could be charged 2x every 28 days, and the second price charged once for a period of 289 days then that would solve the problem, but there's obviously not an option to charge the first price multiple times.

    Am I overlooking something that would make this work?

  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    This is set by the protection, not the payments.
    In the product protection- using incremental, you would set
    1) access to allow for 0-56 days
    2) access to allow from 29-365.

    - sorry, just realized that the 3rd payment would expire so access wouldnt be available...

    Maybe you need to rethink the payment terms.

  3. ryanbsmith

    ryanbsmith Member

    Apr 29, 2008
    Hi David, thanks for the reply. We can definitely rethink the payment terms if that is the root of the problem, which it appears to be. The total price of the product is $447, and payment terms of less than $200 per payment is ideal. That results in 3 payments, which causes the problem. I'm a bit surprised it can't be done this way, though I understand that not every potential scenario can be supported.
  4. ryanbsmith

    ryanbsmith Member

    Apr 29, 2008

    Hi David, I was thinking more about this and I know that you follow a lot of internet marketers. Isn't it pretty standard for those guys to have a launch promotion where the payment terms of the product is 3 or 4 payments of $x.xx and then you get lifetime access? That's pretty much what we're trying to do here, but it's 1 year of access instead of lifetime.

    It seems like aMember should be able to do this. Under the Billing Plan, if "Rebill Times" simply had the option of "Charge First Price x Times" then that would do it. The First Price could be charged 3 times every 28 days, and then the Second Price could be charged with a period of 289 days, so that the subscription would last a full year.

    Hoping Alex might be able to chime in here! :)


  5. mreininger

    mreininger New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    Exactly this causes us huge problems. Please fix this or offer at least a fix we can quickly implement ourselves. Right now we have to do so many manul things with PayPal and so on that it almost feels as if aMember isnt a membership system.
  6. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    This isnt a problem- amember can do this, you set the product expiration in protect content to forever, and they get access even when the 3rd payment 'expires'.

    But, you are asking about limiting the final period for a time thats longer than the payment period but not forever, thats different.


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