Hello All, I have 4 products ebook A ebook B ebook C and ebook D and when someone orders either one of them for $17- they automatically get added to our membership site at $39.95 a month. My question is how do I keep custo,er who may decide to order a book and then come back later at another time to order one or more of the others from being added to the membership site and being charged multiple times monthly since every book is tied to the same membership site. We use Authorize.net to process our orders but if we have to can switch to pappal. Please explain how to do it either way. Thank you for your time. Ty Cohen
You might want to look up information on renewal groups. From what I understand, by setting up renewal groups, a person can't have overlapping suscriptions of a product with the same renewal group.
Hi Paul, I was looking into renewal groups to solve the same problem, but that not exactly what they do. Instead of preventing a new subsciption (and thus an additional payment) from being created; the RG just adds to the length of the active subscription. Example: Someone is a monthly subscriber... they love your stuff, so they decide to order your yearly subscription to save money... The RG will allow them to purchase the annual subscription and just add the 12 months on to their existing access period. So... Does anyone else have ideas how to solve this problem? Alex??? Thanks, Dan Attn: Ty... Have you solved the problem?
I think you would just have to create a bunch of products in aMember, along with a bunch of display / don't display settings. eg: 1. ebookA w/subscription displayed when no subscription has been ordered 2. ebookA w/o subscription when a subscription has already been ordered 3. ebookB w/subscription displayed when no subscription has been ordered 4. ebookB w/o subscription when a subscription has already been ordered David __________________ Discover How to Start-Up and Run a Profitable Membership Site ==> Membership Academy <== Comparisons, reviews, forums and videos on membership software and payment systems.