À bug affiliates

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by fmagusto, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    I have a error on affilates when i want to read à click


    16/02/12 22:17
    Click to Expand
    Method [selectRecords] does not exists in AffClickTable
    Click to Expand

    Exception Am_Exception_InternalError
    AffClickTable->selectRecords [ application/aff/library/AffClick.php : 52 ]
    AffClickTable->fetchByDate [ application/aff/controllers/AdminController.php : 52 ]
    Aff_AdminController->infoTabDetailAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 139 ]
    Am_Controller->_runAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 116 ]
    Am_Controller->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php : 295 ]
    Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Front.php : 954 ]
    Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch [ library/Am/App.php : 1374 ]
    Am_App->run [ index.php : 41 ]
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Thanks for the report!

    I've fixed this issue.
    Fix will be available in next version.
    Or contact us in helpdesk and request latest version of /amember/application/aff/library/AffClick.php file, if you need fix faster.
  3. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Ok I waitaing for thé next version

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