A bug in V4

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by fmagusto, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest


    Xhen i Edit a member in admin
    i have this

    Exception Am_Exception_Db_NotFound
    Am_Table->loadRow [ library/Am/Record.php : 734 ]
    Am_Table->load [ application/aff/Bootstrap.php : 151 ]
    call_user_func [ library/Am/Event.php : 159 ]
    Am_Event->call [ library/Am/Event.php : 182 ]
    Am_Event->handle [ library/Am/Hook.php : 188 ]
    Am_Hook->call [ library/Am/Event.php : 245 ]
    Am_Event->run [ application/default/controllers/AdminUsersController.php : 143 ]
    Am_Form_Admin_User->init [ library/Am/Form.php : 28 ]
    Am_Form->__construct [ library/Am/Form/Admin.php : 18 ]
    Am_Form_Admin->__construct [ application/default/controllers/AdminUsersController.php : 16 ]
    Am_Form_Admin_User->__construct [ application/default/controllers/AdminUsersController.php : 624 ]
    call_user_func [ library/Am/Grid/Editable.php : 207 ]
    Am_Grid_Editable->createForm [ library/Am/Grid/Editable.php : 145 ]
    Am_Grid_Editable->getForm [ library/Am/Grid/Editable.php : 402 ]
    Am_Grid_Editable->doFormActions [ library/Am/Grid/Action/Abstract.php : 136 ]
    Am_Grid_Action_Abstract->_runFormAction [ library/Am/Grid/Action/Edit.php : 19 ]
    Am_Grid_Action_Edit->run [ library/Am/Grid/Editable.php : 221 ]
    Am_Grid_Editable->actionRun [ library/Am/Grid/ReadOnly.php : 394 ]
    Am_Grid_ReadOnly->run [ library/Am/Grid/ReadOnly.php : 431 ]
    Am_Grid_ReadOnly->runWithLayout [ library/Am/Controller/Grid.php : 22 ]
    Am_Controller_Grid->indexAction [ application/default/controllers/AdminUsersController.php : 487 ]
    AdminUsersController->indexAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 139 ]
    Am_Controller->_runAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 116 ]
    Am_Controller->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php : 295 ]
    Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Front.php : 954 ]
    Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch [ library/Am/App.php : 1360 ]
    Am_App->run [ index.php : 41 ]

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Fixed. It may happen if affiliate who referred the user, has been deleted from database.
  3. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Ok it's fixed in last version ?
    Please, you can look for the helpdesk YTW-45875-923
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    It was fixed yesterday. I sent reply in helpdesk, please let me know if this still does not work right.
  5. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Its OK, thank. Alexander
  6. trainsem

    trainsem Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    A bug or mis-labelling when uploading an affiliate banner. The Browse button does not browse your local PC directory but browses uploaded images (which is not needed when uploading a new banner). The Upload button serves both to browse your local PC directory and upload it.
  7. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It is not a bug. Browse button, I agree not useful for banners, but may be useful for second usage of some big files that are already uploaded. Also, it provides a way to delete unnecessary files.

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