Hello Guys ! Anybody thinking on hosting with hostmonster? Think again! Listen up! I successfully transferred my amember account to a new host(HOSTMONSTER) and had no problems with database import and stuff.You guys would say that is a job well done.Well NO.I found a loop hole in the mail function.Here is the story.... When i send emails from amember the mail gets delivered form ........@host255.hostmonster.com instead of the from field I have designed it to be.I contacted hostmonster support.This is what they said: "There are two possible causes for email being sent from ............@host255.hostmonster.com, this being the server's default email address for your account, it is the one used by scripts unless specified otherwise. So you'll want to check on a few things to make sure the script is set to send with the desired email address. The first and most common place to check, is a MySQL database, if one is being used by your 3rd party script. However, because it's a 3rd party script, we will not have any further information as to where in the database this entry would be. Best guess would be an options, email, or settings table. The other place this email address could be specified is in the code itself in the script. However, again because it's a 3rd party script, that can be anywhere. The file that contains that information could be in a randomly named file that is being included in the file or files that contains the mailing settings for the email responses. In both cases, the best option to find this entry is to check with the developer." Now I have tried searching for that code all through amember...still left searching no progress PLEASE HELP NEEDED!
Under the Setup/Configuration page there should be an E-Mail property tab. If you select that then you will see fields "Admin Email", "Outgoing Email Address". If "Outgoing Email Address" is not set then it will use "Admin Email" address. Make sure one of this fields is set. This information is stored in "amember_confg" table under fields "admin_email" and "admin_email_from". You should be able to use phpmyadmin (if available) to verify these fields exist in your amember_config table of your amember database. From this same configuration page you can test sending emails. I use method "Internal PHP mail function" maybe you will need to use one of the other methods. I know on my amember running on a local WAMP server for testing I had to increase memory_limit in php.ini before email would work reliably. This normally is not required on web hosted accounts because this value is already large enough. Jimmy
This assumes you are running 3.08 or greater as I don't think it was enabled to work until after that.
Hey jimjwright thanks buddy...solved the problem....had to change the name admin to somethinng else "zyz"@mydomainname.com...worked great!