A texte no translate

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by fmagusto, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Hello the text is no translate in French


    In signup page email verification

    Langue :
    Vérification de l'email

    Si vous avez deja un compte, connectez-vous pour continuer
    Confirmation link has been sent to your e-mail address. Please check your mailbox. If you have not received e-mail within 5 minutes, please check also the 'Spam' folder - our message may be classifed as spam by mistake.
  2. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    And this email is not translate

    Hello AAaaaa Aaaaa,

    You (or someone else) has just registered an account on Infoconcours - votre espace abonné.
    Clicking on the link below will activate the account:

    Best Regards,
    Infoconcours - votre espace abonné
  3. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This is not translated in fr language file yet.
    You can do this yourself in /amember/admin-trans-global
  4. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    thx for le link.

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