About Paypal configuration

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by eric_car2, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. eric_car2

    eric_car2 aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006

    is it possible to have aMember 3 and aMember 4 work simultaneously with one account Paypal ?
    Is it a problem with IPN paypal configuration ?

    (I have subscribers with recurring payments in aMember3, and I can't transfert them in aMember4)

  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    I believe both versions of the plugin pass an IPN to paypal, which overrides the setup within paypal, so new payments on 4.x should point back to 4.x

    Why cant you transfer the payments to amember 4? You can do IPN forwarding in the 3.x version to the 4.x site.

  3. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Eric, contact us via helpdesk and we will help with transfer.
    Generally the way is:
    - install v4 into the same folder as v3
    - enable and configure paypal plugin in v4
    - at aMember CP -> Setup -> Advanced, enable "Use aMember3 compatible urls"
    - use v4's import script (yoursite.com/amember/admin-import3 ) to import information from v3 database
    In this case v4 will simulate v3 URLs and existing IPN subscriptions will be handled correctly.
  4. eric_car2

    eric_car2 aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Thank You David and Alex :)

    I have 4 troubles :

    1/ We sell 2 softwares. And in amember3 we have developed 2 licence plugins who generate licence numbers (connected to others DB for authentification). It's very good protection against copying. My programer is overbooked and don't have time to program these protections for amember4 this month.

    2/ When I installed amember (2006 I think) I installed in a amember/ folder (default)
    But, it's not very explicit (not sexy :) ) for french customers. I prefere "membres" (french word for members) in URL. It's a trouble for the transfert process that Alex indicate to me.

    3/ I want to refresh my customers list. Over the years, I have plenty of free members (invalid email, junk prospects, etc.). I have also plenty of loyal customers. I started the redesign of my website with new services and I wish to benefit from these changes to clean up my lists by asking my prospects and my customers to register again.

    4/ Ideally, I woud like a legal billing process in amember4 ( see : http://www.amember.com/forum/threads/question-about-taxes-configuration.14275/). It's very important issue for european union users with VTA number of amember.

    To resume, it's a little complicated :) to transfert my business to amember4 right now.

    I think I'm begin to use amember4 for free services and amember3 for paid services and products and when Amember 4.2 will come (for taxe issue) I will invite my customers
    recurring payments (hosting service) to renew in amember4 when their expiration date will come.​

    Of course, unless you have another ideas :)

    Thank you very much for your attention.​

  5. eric_car2

    eric_car2 aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006

    I had contacted Paypal about IPN question.
    It's seem is possible to have 2 scripts with different IPN return urls in same website.
    (in my case amember 3 and amember 4)

    In fact we keep one Paypal IPN return URL (in paypal account)
    but these 2 solutions is to bypass paypal configuration.

    • First solution :
    - keep the existant amember3 configuration and Paypal IPN return URL.
    - In amember4 forms indicate :

    <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="https://www.yourURL.com/amember3folder/plugins/payment/paypal_r/ipn.php">

    I put this code with function configuration>forms Editor>aviable bricks > HTML text

    Do you think it's a good (functional) solution ?

    • Second solution :
    modify IPN url for am3 and am4


    PS. We can do this with API ExpressCheckout (but it seems more complicated to instal with amember)
    PPS : Paypal message (in french)

  6. eric_car2

    eric_car2 aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006

    I have just tested this solution in paypal sandbox test interface and it's ok.

    Could you confirm me it's ok in production ? (no hiden troubles I don't saw )


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