Hello I read the forums but they relate more to protecting files and directories versus online apps. Here is the issue: I have an online career test in 4 separate folders. I am offering a free test (Product A in Folder A) and 3 paid tests (product B,C, D - in folders B, C, D resspectively). Here's the questions: 1/ Do I need to use 4 separate paypal buttons when people go to purchase using paypal, to return them them to the right test upon successful payment, right on the paid test page? 2/ Does your software create a dynamic link, so that someone can't return to the same link to access the directory and the test? My concern is how do I stop someone from just giving their friend their username and password and logging in and taking the test again using that same username and password? Is there a way to restrict access to a 1 time login? I hope you see what I am trying to accomplish, thank you.
1. You need to create 4 separat products in aMember. user will go to aMember's signup page will choose product he need, then will be redirected to paypal for payment and after successfull payment will be redirected back to aMember and account will be activated. 2. This is possible but will require customization.
Thanks. I am still new to this. 1/ on this issue - once the person has paid, I simply redirect them to the protected page correct? If someone tries to access that page by copying in the link to a browser, what will happen? Will they be prompted to sign up? 2/ You must have done the dynamic link before, how much would this cost? thanks
1. Yes correct if someone who does not have account will try to open any link in protected folder he will be asked to login/signup. 2. Please Contact us in helpdesk for a quote.