Access to protected page after payment only, no username and password

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by wa7edsoori, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. wa7edsoori

    wa7edsoori aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 14, 2009
    What I want to do is allow users to purchase access to a page where they can fill out a questionnaire, submit it, and theyre done, a one time thing, it's like they purchased a download and each time they want to purchase it again they just go through the payment process again. So I dont want them to have to create a username and password to get access to that page, I just want them to pay, complete the payment, be redirected to that page, fill the questionnaire, submit it, and theyre done. Is this possible? This is very urgent so help is needed as quickly as possible. Thanks.
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    I think it can be done but would require some customization- the one time submit per payment is the issue.

    I think you will need to create a field and when the user submits the form (which is also protected by amember), it updates the # in the field. If that number is less than the number of payments they made for that product, it accepts the submit. If they are over it, it denies it.

    I think Ken Gary or Larry could help you out on this.


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