When I check access log there is a time difference of three hours how can I fix this problem ? My computer is on the right time zone.
Timezone I think I have the timezone problem. When I use the email user in CP, the sending time is eight hour back our time. I checked the access log that the time is match. So where can I adjust this. By the way, why I keep sending 2 copies for each email in email user in CP. The time in the email is same. Why? Please help !
Yes, you have timezone difference with your hosting server, why is it a problem? Unfortunately, it cannot be solved, but it also doesn't cause any issues.
Timezone Of course, it doesn't have any cause. BUT it will confuse the member when is the email send to them. Since they may receive the email daily. Hope you have solution.
An hour difference must not be a problem. Are you used that all websites in the net are working by your local time? What if server is in the London?
send 2 identical email Why it keeps sending 2 copies for each email in email user in CP. The time in the email is same. But it only sends one email for the signup completed email.