Acess to subscriptions page for expired members

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by neff, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. neff

    neff Guest


    I'm setting up a site using PHP Include protection and it's working fine - attempting to access a protected page throws up thye log in form. Sucessful entry of the password allows access.

    But..... If a user with an expired subscription attempts a login they just get an "Access Denied" message and the login form again. I would like such users to get re-directed to the "members summary page" (members.php) so they can re-new a subscription.

    How can this be done? are there settings somewhere?
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    no, there is not such setting, but you can edit file
    find words "Access Denied" and replace to "some text <a href='http://...'>somelink to subscribe</a>"

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