Activate licence on login

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by wallpaper_01, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011

    Is it possible to add 10 users and have their 30 days start the day they login but have expiration of the product 1 year, so after the 1 year the users can no longer start their 30 days and that's it?
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    How about giving them a coupon to use to start a new product?

  3. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    I'm looking at the coupon now, so I could have the date range set to 1 year and have the correct product which lasts 30 days. But this would mean that I couldn't add them to the database first does it? Would they also need a specific login area so that they couldnt choose the product?


  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003

    You should be able to manually add users to aMember DB, and they would use the coupon to gain access to the premium content.

    You can create a custom signup form using the Forms Editor to offer the coupon deal. You customize the form by using "bricks". You could add the one product and the add the coupon brick. If you are dealing with one item you can even hide the item on the signup form. Each custom signup form has a unique URL. So, you can send a unique URL to a user that accepts the coupon and gives them membership to the given product.
  5. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    Ok but if I create a custom signup form the user will have to sign up again. I want the existing users account which I previously added to go active when he first accesses.

    I tried having just a coupon and product but it just creates another user random user.

    Can you have specific user accounts that have specific add subscription forms, that way the user could just login with his blank account and enter the coupon and the product is registered to him and away he goes.
  6. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Grants method sounds solid
    1) create their account in amember
    2) send them the custom form URL and coupon. (you can probably put the coupon in the URL so that it gets entered into the signup form)
    3) they login and use the coupon to upgrade to the product (they wont need to create a new signup, just login and renew)

    Sounds pretty straight forward. Test it out and you'll see.

  7. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Also, is it necessary that you manually add the users first? In most cases it is best to let the user sign themselves up. You send an email invite to the potential members with a URL to the custom signup form that takes a coupon and enrolls them into the specific membership. This is better because:
    • The user gets to pick their own username/password
    • You can easily capture additional information during the initial signup (as defined by the bricks you put on the form)
    • It all gets handled in one fell swoop.
    Also don't forget that the coupon approach allows you to do some "A/B" testing by using multiple coupons to enroll users in the same membership. This way you can track the efficiency of different campaigns.
  8. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    Ok thanks, the above looks good.

    But what if we have taken payment over the phone, so we have the money, but I want it to be recorded in aMember. What I usually do is create an invoice and this adds the payment amount.

    How could I do this with coupons because I would be giving them 100% discount to get them in, and also the user would not have been created already so I couldnt add the invoice to that user previously.

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