I am using amember intergrated with Joomla and have the ability to generate banners and links for the affiliate to use in their marketing efforts. I would like to be able to provide email templates as well in the affiliate tools area where I can put a form letter together and amember would automatically insert the affiliates id link within the text of the email. How can I do this? Is this a complex development job or is it an easy project? Bob Lazor
This is easy if you know php. Here is how you can put affiliate link into your php page: print "http://www.yourdomain.com/amember/go.php?r=".$_SESSION[_amember_id]; Note that you should have session_start(); at the top of your php page.
What would be the best way to add email as part of the aff.php page? I know how to create a textarea box that I can then place the content of the email promotion in it. But how would I be able to include the affiliate's custom link through some sort of session details call? Help would be most appreciated! Paul
Well Bob, After much searching, testing and tweaking, I have found a fairly simple workaround to allow you to put custom email promos into aMember affiliate program. I am personally shocked that this wasn't the first affiliate tool to be developed, but hopefully Alex will be able to professionally integrate this in future releases. Until then... You want to find and edit the "aff_links.html" which is located in the templates folder of your main amember setup. Depending on where you want the email to appear, you will need to play around, but I just put mine at the very top, underneath the following line of code: Code: <table><tr><td> Essentially, the fix is to create and embed the email in whatever fashion you choose (I went with a text area for each email to keep the overall page length shorter, although you could easily just paste the text right into the actual html page). Code: <textarea name="aff-email-1" cols="75" rows="5">Dear _FIRSTNAME_ You can put all your really cool, powerful and eyeball sucking promo copy in here, just as you would write it in a text editor. Then you include your custom link: http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/amember/go.php?r={$smarty.session._amember_user.member_id} And you can even include a custom sign-off for the affiliate like so. Bye for now {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_f} {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_l}</textarea> You could theoretically add as many of these as you want. That being said, I haven't tested this beyond actually confirming that the link is tracking to the appropriate affiliate and that it is being recorded in the click database. Hope this helps. If anyone can improve on this solution, I would love to hear your feedback. Best, Paul http://www.millionaireprepschool.com