I want to add a legal disclaimer field to the signup page with a checkbox to click to agree so that litigious people (US citizens mainly) can't sue my ass easily if they don't like the temperature/tatse of the coffee, etc. Is this easily achieved and how? I thought I saw a legal agreement setting in the CP but cannot find it now. Was I daydreaming?
On a product by product basis you can select to "Display Agreement" which will display the amember/templates/agreement.html file to your users and may them check an "I agree" box.
What is the method to use agreements in different languages? Do I just add the country code like agreement_it.html?
You can do this within one agreement.html template: Code: {if $smarty.session.amember_lang == 'en'} Agreement text for English {else if $smarty.session.amember_lang == 'de'} Agreement text for Deutsch {/if}
Thanks...that should do it! I just tried it and worked perfectly. I think this method may solve another issue I am having with language options (left a long-winded message about this in another area). The language drop-down only changes the text language but does not change the product language. In the member area changing the language reloads the page with member.php?lang=it, but the product descriptions do not change. I need to add some logic whereby the language change would add the price_group also. I haven't figured out where everything is in your complex program but I know it's in there! Note: this issue is continued at https://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10997