I have tried to find the code for the access log but I think you moved it to an encrypted section with V4. It is very useful to have ip addresses linked to http://www.whois.sc/IPADDRESS that way when I am looking through the logs and am unsure about a user I can see where it is coming from. You have to understand an ip address by itself is useless because I must copy and paste it every single time I want to do something with it. If the hostname or country was shown it would be much easier. Can you link the ip addresses as I mentioned or move the code to the public section so that I can edit it myself? All I want is for example if there is an ip display then it will be <a href="http://www.whois.sc/"></a>
There is nothing encrypted, code is inside application/default/controllers/AdminLogController.php We will add this change to future versions.
Oh cool. For anyone who wants to do this manually just open up that file and do this: Below this PHP: public function renderAccessMember($record) { return sprintf('<td><a target="_top" href="%s">%s (%s)</a></td>', $this->getView()->userUrl($record->user_id), $record->member_login, $record->member_name); } ADD THIS PHP: public function renderIP($record) { return sprintf('<td><a target="_blank" href="http://www.whois.sc/%s">%s</a></td>',$record->remote_addr,$record->remote_addr); } Replace this: PHP: public function createAccess() { $query = new Am_Query($this->getDi()->accessLogTable); $query->leftJoin('?_user', 'm', 't.user_id=m.user_id') ->addField("m.login", 'member_login') ->addField("CONCAT(m.name_f, ' ', m.name_l)", 'member_name'); $query->setOrder('time', 'desc'); $g = new Am_Grid_ReadOnly('_access', ___('Access Log'), $query, $this->getRequest(), $this->view); $g->setPermissionId(Am_Auth_Admin::PERM_LOGS); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field_Date('time', ___('Time'), true, '', null, '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('member_login', ___('User'), true, '', array($this, 'renderAccessMember'), '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field_Expandable('url', ___('URL'), true, '', null, '20%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('remote_addr', ___('IP'), true, '', null, '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field_Expandable('referrer', ___('Referrer'), true, '', null, '15%')); $g->setFilter(new Am_Grid_Filter_Text(___('Filter by IP or Referrer or URL'), array( 'remote_addr' => 'LIKE', 'referrer' => 'LIKE', 'url' => 'LIKE', ))); return $g; } With this: PHP: public function createAccess() { $query = new Am_Query($this->getDi()->accessLogTable); $query->leftJoin('?_user', 'm', 't.user_id=m.user_id') ->addField("m.login", 'member_login') ->addField("CONCAT(m.name_f, ' ', m.name_l)", 'member_name'); $query->setOrder('time', 'desc'); $g = new Am_Grid_ReadOnly('_access', ___('Access Log'), $query, $this->getRequest(), $this->view); $g->setPermissionId(Am_Auth_Admin::PERM_LOGS); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field_Date('time', ___('Time'), true, '', null, '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('member_login', ___('User'), true, '', array($this, 'renderAccessMember'), '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('url', ___('URL'), true, '', null, '20%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('remote_addr', ___('IP'), true, '', array($this, 'renderIP'), '10%')); $g->addGridField(new Am_Grid_Field('referrer', ___('Referrer'), true, '', null, '15%')); $g->setFilter(new Am_Grid_Filter_Text(___('Filter by IP or Referrer or URL'), array( 'remote_addr' => 'LIKE', 'referrer' => 'LIKE', 'url' => 'LIKE', ))); return $g; }
I would like to add it to the Member info page also, which template is that? Example: Signup Info: 2012-02-27 08:46:47 / Also the Error and Admin logs
AdminUsersController.php in the same folder, seek for "Signup Info" word. All logs are rendered by the same AdminLogsController.php I'll appreciate a lot if you send fixed files to me so we incorporate this into the next release.