Hi Sorry, I couldn't find an appropriate place to post this. I'm about to add my first subscription method, for a "Test Drive For 7 Days" kinda thing. Under "Subscription Terms" is "price" so I enter "1.00" "Duration" I enter "7" and leave drop downbox to "days" THEN this is where I get confused. "Trial 1 Price" & "Trial 1 Duration" HUH? I just dont get that at all. Why do i have to enter something here if I already entered the price above that section? "Recurring Billing", if checked, user gets charged, but charged what? $1.00 every time billing is needed? "Trial Group", again, I don't understand this at all. It says if you have one membership level, enter "1"... Ok, so, i want to have more than one payment option to offer the same product, but different subscription months and entitlements, so do I enter the number for this, or is this related number of products I want to have. "Recurring Times"??? What? None of this makes any sense. Ok it says this is the number of times a person will be billed at the regular rate, but what is the regular rate? Where can I find a FULL manual, the online help documentation is INCOMPLETE and its confusing the c**p out of me. Aren't there any videos I can watch? Free ones without having to pay someone? Thanks Loz
Price: your recurring price Duration: above recuring duration eg. 1 mos Trial Price: your trial period price, eg $0 or $1 Trial duration: 7 days recurring billing- checked, eg 1 mos will bill them every month. Recurring Times: if you want payments to stop after 6 cycles, 6. David
Cheers David. i was going to buy your videos, but each time I try to use my credit card without the use of logging into my paypal account, paypal forces me to use my balance, which isn't enough, and since it's a UK paypal account and i'm currently in the US and wanted to use my US Bank account, paypal has a fit. So I'm stuck, unless you have another payment option?