Hi Can anyone help with a simple question. Is there anyway I can edit the stripe credit card payment info page to add a hyperlink that takes the person back to their member page? Is there a one line of code or something I can paste in to stripe.php?
Hello, In event of you use stripe popup integration then it is not possible to add this link to popup window. Otherwise you can do it with the following code in site.php http://www.amember.com/docs/Site.php_file PHP: Am_Di::getInstance()->blocks ->add(new Am_Block('cc/form/bottom', null, 'pending-cancel-cc', null, function(Am_View $v) { $url = $v->di->url('member'); return <<<CUT<input type="button" name="cancel" value="Back to Member Area" onClick='if(confirm("Really want to cancel?")) document.location.href="$url"' />CUT; })); Best Regards.