I'd like to change the membership selection choices from a radio button to a drop down selection as I have over 50 memberships and Im trying to conserve space on the web page. I cant figure out how to customize the signup.html page. Any help?
here is solution explained: edit file amember/templates/signup.html find lines: PHP: {foreach from=$products item=p} <input type=radio id=product{$p.product_id} name=product_id value="{$p.product_id|escape}" {if $p.product_id == $smarty.request.product_id }checked{/if} ><label for="product{$p.product_id}"><b>{$p.title} ({if $p.price > 0 }{$config.currency|default:"$"}{$p.price}{else}free{/if})</b><br> <small>{$p.description}</small></label><br><br> {/foreach} and replace to: PHP: <select name=product_id size=1> {foreach from=$products item=p} <option value="{$p.product_id}" {if $p.product_id == $smarty.request.product_id }selected{/if}> {$p.title} ({if $p.price > 0 }{$config.currency|default:"$"}{$p.price}{else}free{/if}) </option> {/foreach} </select>
Im planning my subscription set up and it looks like I will have around 90 membership choices set up over 15 price groups. Does the code change above still work in the latest version of amember? can anyone advise? Thank you.