Adding Itransact

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by mattfrand, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. mattfrand

    mattfrand Guest

    I was curious if you had any thoughts or plans to maybe adding iTransact. Their rates are fairly low, and they seem to be a very reliable Credit Card Processing Solution. I have to of my clients using their systems, and they are both very happy with the solution!
  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Matt, we could be happy to create this integration for small fee. Details can be discussed by email:
  3. Hey Alex,

    There would be no way that you would develop it just to improve your product is there?
    I would probably not want to pay anything to add this in since I already paid for the script.
    Thats cool if you don't want to add it. I was just thinking about it since they are accepted on many shopping carts, and are a leading processing company.

  4. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Matthew, if I would hear about this company from 3 customers, it will be enough for me to do it for free.
    One request is not enough to make it for free, sorry! There are thounsands of payment processors, if we will intergrate aMember with every payment processor we see, when will we sleep and what will we eat ? ... ;)
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i would be like to see it also! :)
  6. Alex,

    I own several licences of aMemberPro and love it. I would love to have the plugin so I can use iTransact (I already have and use their services on other sites) on my aMember sites.


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