Adding phone to search filter

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by vsoftwaretools, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. vsoftwaretools

    vsoftwaretools aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 26, 2006
    Does anyone have a hook or change that allows a search for member in the filter boxes by phone number? We get lots of phone calls from our customers and trying to find them in amember would be much easier by phone number.
  2. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
    Are you referring to search in the aMember control panel? If yes...There are actually two search areas. The first one is always at the top right of the screen. The second one shows up when you click on users/browse users. Instead of filling in the search field and clicking on apply go to Advanced Search. There is a dropdown that says "select a condition to add into search". One of the items is phone. You can choose =, <>, like, not like, in.

    This is how you would search for custom fields too.
    vsoftwaretools likes this.
  3. vsoftwaretools

    vsoftwaretools aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 26, 2006
    Tokazama2 - this is one cool way of doing it that I never thought of thank you. The top lookup is the one we are more interested in though because it will start the filtering process as you type it in. I guess we are lazy :) but it would sure be nice to start typing in a phone number and have it start filtering.

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