I my other script I have an admin account and I would like to integrate it with aMember admin account, meaning I can easily jump from aMember admin pages to my script admin pages. At user level the SSO already functions so I think I can create a session for admin in my script during the login event of the aMember admin (if there is such event available). But one question remains. Does aMember treat the admin account normally, meaning that does Am_Lite::getInstance()->checkAccess() recognize it or not?
You can't integrated admin accounts such way. aMember even stores admin records in separate SQL table.
OK. It means I need to leave some ways for manual authentication as admin in my scripts. Fact is, if I enable Am_Lite PHP protection then I cannot login anymore with my admin account... Therefore I think to: - temporary disable my integrations - create a user account with same username and password in aMember - enable the integration - see if I can login in aMember as user with the admin credentials for my script
So I've done that, now I can enter with admin credentials on all remote scripts by using a normal aMember user for that.