Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to make the form fields for Product URL and Additional URLs a little bit wider. Currently those two fields are very, very narrow and it's difficult to realise if I have a mistake in the URLs, especially in the Additional URLs. I think they should be twice as wide. Thanks.
Edit /amember/templates/admin/product.html and change this block : Code: {elseif $f.type eq 'textarea'} <tr> <th><b>{$f.title}</b><br /><small>{$f.description}</small></th> {assign var=field_name value=$f.name} <td><textarea name="{$field_name|escape}" rows=10 cols=60>{$p.$field_name}</textarea> </td> </tr>
Thank you. It works well for Additional URls box. However, I think I should modify something else for Product URL?
Yes in the same template at the bottom change this: Code: {else} <tr> <th><b>{$f.title}</b><br /><small>{$f.description}</small></th> {assign var=field_name value=$f.name} <td><input type=text name={$field_name} {if $p.$field_name ne ""}value="{$p.$field_name|escape}"{/if} {if $f.size}size="{$f.size|escape}"{/if} id="t_{$f.name|escape}"> {if $f.name eq 'terms'} <div class="small"><b>Default:</b> {$p.terms_default|escape}<br /> <i>(will be automatically updated according to change of product settings)</i> </div> {/if} </td> </tr> {/if} to Code: {else} <tr> <th><b>{$f.title}</b><br /><small>{$f.description}</small></th> {assign var=field_name value=$f.name} <td><input type=text name={$field_name} {if $p.$field_name ne ""}value="{$p.$field_name|escape}"{/if} {if $f.size}size="{$f.size|escape}"{/if} {if $f.name='url'}size="60"{/if} id="t_{$f.name|escape}"> {if $f.name eq 'terms'} <div class="small"><b>Default:</b> {$p.terms_default|escape}<br /> <i>(will be automatically updated according to change of product settings)</i> </div> {/if} </td> </tr> {/if}