I moved my aMember to a new server. I had followed the 5-step directions that alex_admin had provided in another thread. However, when I attempted to log into my members area or CP I was getting the following error: MYSQL ERROR: SELECT command denied to user 'aadotnet_admin'@'localhost' for table 'ibf_groups' in query: SELECT g_id, g_title FROM vseymour_ipb.ibf_groups So I checked the aMember FAQs, which listed different instructions for moving to a new server. I was supposed to have disabled any plugins prior to backing up and moving all my files. Since I had not done so prior to moving, I can't go back and change that, so I went into the database via phpMyAdmin. I changed the type for plugins.protect from 1 to 0. I was then able to log into both my CP and members areas. However, I am now having the following problems: 1) "mysql gone" appears at the top of each CP screen - This message appeared even prior to me disabling any of my plugins (see below). 2) I went into Setup/Configuration to disable all of the plugins, as I am changing the plugins we're using. I highlighted all the plugins I want to disable (IPB, 4images, etc.). Now, when I attempt to access Setup/Configuration, I get a completely blank screen. 3) When I attempt to logout of the members area, I get a 500 Internal Server error (it is going to the plugins/protect/php_include/logout.php screen). I have changed the plugins.protect back to 1, but I don't know how to fix the error 500 problem when logging out, why the "mysql gone" message is appearing and how to get my admin/setup.php working properly. Can anyone provide any assistance? Thanks!
Did you make a backup of you datebase and restore to the new server and the folder permissions are not setup right this is what error 500 problem is. Change chmod folder of amember/data/ to 777 amember/data/new_rewrite/ to 777 make the following folders writeable for the script (try chmod 707, 770 and 777 until it works):
Yes, chmoded correctly Thanks dynamicm for replying. Yes, I restored the database backup on the new server. And amember/data/ is chmoded to 777. There is no amember/data/new_rewrite/ directory. The link that is getting the 500 Internal Server Error msg is: plugins/protect/php_include/logout.php. I was able to fix it by changing the chmod for this directory from 755 to 777 and then back to 755. Once I did that, I no longer get the 500 IS Error. Thanks for that help. However, this still doesn't explain why the Setup/Configuration screen in the CP is blank. Nor does it explain why each CP screen is displaying "mysql gone" at the top of the screen. I just discovered that all the member screens also display the "mysql gone" message at the top of each screen. All the data appears to be there as I'm able to access the information on each screen (with the exception of the CP Setup/Configuration screen), so the database is being accessed. I'm not sure what the "mysql gone" message is or how to get access to the CP Setup/Configuration screen back. Any other suggestions?
amember/data/new_rewrite/ directory this files and folder need to be there you miss some file reinstall aMember if does not come back to life then you did not setup your datebase right on the new server as the same to the old server setting. To do a restore the user name and pass word must the same and location or it will not work Also are using the same user name on the new server? and is the setup the same as the old server for example ley say old account was like this home/public_html/amember is this same on the new sever? On some host company they may have setup your account like this account home2/public_html/amember this on your new account. Check your MySQL Account Maintenance under your Cpanel see if this is there domain_amember Users in amember domain_amember (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES) Connection Strings Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:domain_amember:localhost","domain_amember","<PASSWORD HERE>"); PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "domain_amember", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("domain_amember"); ================ Current Users: domain_amember Also see this Threads http://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1500 If you strill having troubles with the script, then use the following URL: https://www.amember.com/support/