Hi there, where about on the thanks.php template do i add my tracking code? there in no <body> and </body> tags cheers Steve
Depends on what you are addding. If it is the generic tracking code, this should go in footer template. If it is transaction specific information it should go at the very bottom of thanks.html (either before or after {include file="footer.html"} depending on your configuration) The footer template contains the body tags.
thank you for your meassage, i have tried both ways and google gives me this? cheers Verification Failed We weren't able to verify the conversion tracking code using the URL you entered. Doublecheck the URL you entered or review our verification troubleshooting tips .
I think the the javascript may have a problem with the smarty pages- so I use the graphic: <img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/XXXX/imp.gif?value={$total}&label=purchase&script=0"> XXXX is your google_conversion_id Also- are you checking the proper URL? Should be http://www.yoursite.com/amember/thanks.php David